Retinal Tracking - One big leap towards true-confluent
Repeatable & image guided laser treatments

Retinal Tracking - One big leap towards true-confluent
Repeatable & image guided laser treatments

Gebühren ab
Navilas OD-OS GmbH

Navilas OD-OS GmbH
Warthestr. 21
DE - 14513 Teltow
Tel.: +49 (0)3328 31282 100
Fax: +49 (0)3328 31282 999

To describe the paradigm shift in treatments performed with a fully digital laser system that tracks the retina. A comparison of retinal tracking to traditional single spot or pattern lasers will be made. Explanation of how retinal tracking supports safer and faster laser applications will be discussed. The concept of true-confluent, even-fluence, repeatable treatments as pre-requisites for subthreshold strategies will be introduced.
  • Basisinformation
    Gebühren ab
    Navilas OD-OS GmbH

    Navilas OD-OS GmbH
    Warthestr. 21
    DE - 14513 Teltow
    Tel.: +49 (0)3328 31282 100
    Fax: +49 (0)3328 31282 999

  • Programm
    Dr Eugene Ng, MD Medical Director, Institute of Eye Surgery, UPMC Whitfield Founding Partner, EyeLab, Ireland Research Fellow, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
    Presenters Profile:
    Eugene Ng is a retina specialist at a large private ophthalmic surgical practice in Ireland. While in training he co-founded a medical device company. A large multinational company had previously acquired assets including initial patents from his company which is today, still active in research and development. He completed his fellowship at the New Zealand National Eye Center and has also spent time in operating rooms in USA, Holland, Hong Kong and Kenya. Eugene Ng serves as consultant to several ophthalmic device and pharmaceutical companies through his involvement in clinical trials.
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