The benefits of multimodal imaging for navigated focal laser treatment
The example of PCV treatment
The benefits of multimodal imaging for navigated focal laser treatment
The example of PCV treatment
Gebühren ab
Navilas OD-OS GmbH
Navilas OD-OS GmbH
Warthestr. 21
DE - 14513 Teltow
Tel.: +49 (0)3328 31282 100
Fax: +49 (0)3328 31282 999
This course will show how different imaging options like FA, ICGA or OCT-A can be combined with modern navigated laser technology to precisely plan and digitally document an optimal laser treatment.
After a brief overview of how Navilas works, the webinar will focus on the laser photocoagulation for treatment of polypoidal vasculopathy to demonstrate the benefit and potential outcomes of a multimodal navigated treatment approach.
After a brief overview of how Navilas works, the webinar will focus on the laser photocoagulation for treatment of polypoidal vasculopathy to demonstrate the benefit and potential outcomes of a multimodal navigated treatment approach.
SpracheEnglischGebühren abgebührenfreiVeranstalterNavilas OD-OS GmbH
OrganisatorNavilas OD-OS GmbH
Warthestr. 21
DE - 14513 Teltow
Tel.: +49 (0)3328 31282 100
Fax: +49 (0)3328 31282 999 -
Presenter:Prof. Giovanni Staurenghi, Eye Clinic of Luigi Sacco Hospital, University of Milan, Italy. Duration: 20 min presentation + live Q&A session
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