CSCR - A deep dive into navigated subthreshold laser treatment strategies
Seminar with interactive case sessions
CSCR - A deep dive into navigated subthreshold laser treatment strategies
Seminar with interactive case sessions
Gebühren ab
Navilas OD-OS GmbH
Navilas OD-OS GmbH
Warthestr. 21
DE - 14513 Teltow
Tel.: +49 (0)3328 31282 100
Fax: +49 (0)3328 31282 999
This webinar presents the basic principles of CSCR as acute and chronic disease and compares different treatments options like medication, PDT and retinal laser.
SpracheEnglischGebühren abgebührenfreiVeranstalterNavilas OD-OS GmbH
OrganisatorNavilas OD-OS GmbH
Warthestr. 21
DE - 14513 Teltow
Tel.: +49 (0)3328 31282 100
Fax: +49 (0)3328 31282 999 -
This webinar presents the basic principles of CSCR as acute and chronic disease and compares different treatments options like medication, PDT and retinal laser. A deep dive will look at subthreshold laser treatment strategies which will be presented in an interactive case session. Participants may enjoy the presentation or follow the cases using a free interactive tool – Navigate App.SpeakerDr Jay Chhablani, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)
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