The benefits of multimodal imaging for navigated focal laser treatment - on the example of PCV treatment
Educational webseminar
The benefits of multimodal imaging for navigated focal laser treatment - on the example of PCV treatment
Educational webseminar
Gebühren ab
Navilas OD-OS GmbH
Navilas OD-OS GmbH
Warthestr. 21
DE - 14513 Teltow
Tel.: +49 (0)3328 31282 100
Fax: +49 (0)3328 31282 999
This course will show how different imaging options like FA, ICGA or OCT-A can be combined with modern navigated laser technology to precisely plan and digitally document an optimal laser treatment.
SpracheEnglischGebühren abgebührenfreiVeranstalterNavilas OD-OS GmbH
OrganisatorNavilas OD-OS GmbH
Warthestr. 21
DE - 14513 Teltow
Tel.: +49 (0)3328 31282 100
Fax: +49 (0)3328 31282 999 -
Presenter: Prof. Giovanni Staurenghi, Eye Clinic of Luigi Sacco Hospital, University of Milan, Italy. Duration: 20 min presentation + live Q&A session
After a brief overview of how Navilas works, the webinar will focus on the laser photocoagulation for treatment of polypoidal vasculopathy to demonstrate the benefit and potential outcomes of a multimodal navigated treatment approach. - Gebühren
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