Navilas® Winter School 2023 - Recorded educational webinars on navigated laser treatments
for ophthalmologists specializing in retina care
Navilas® Winter School 2023 - Recorded educational webinars on navigated laser treatments
for ophthalmologists specializing in retina care
Gebühren ab
Navilas OD-OS GmbH
Navilas OD-OS GmbH
Warthestr. 21
DE - 14513 Teltow
Tel.: +49 (0)3328 31282 100
Fax: +49 (0)3328 31282 999
The recorded Navilas® Winter School 2023 offers 4 educational sessions on navigated retinal therapy which are designed for ophthalmologists specializing in retina care including those pursuing their education in this field. The education is free of charge.
SpracheDeutschGebühren abgebührenfreiVeranstalterNavilas OD-OS GmbH
OrganisatorNavilas OD-OS GmbH
Warthestr. 21
DE - 14513 Teltow
Tel.: +49 (0)3328 31282 100
Fax: +49 (0)3328 31282 999 -
What will you learn?
- Session 1: Navigating on the retina.
- Session 2: Experiences with the learning curve of navigated laser, Focus: Peripheral treatments.
- Session 3: Integration of navigated focal and peripheral retinal laser therapy in daily practice workflow.
- Session 4: Navigate App 2.0 – an interactive learning and collaboration platform for retinal laser treatment.
- Gebühren
- Buchung / Anmeldung
- Zertifizierung