38th International Congress of the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery (HSIOIRS)

38th International Congress of the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery (HSIOIRS)

29.02.2024 - 02.03.2024
Englisch / Griechisch
Gebühren ab
30.00 EUR
HSIOIRS - Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery

HSIOIRS - Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery
198 El. Venizelou Str. & 1 Apollodorou str.
GR - 175 63 Palaio Faliro
Tel.: +30.697449906 
Tel.: +30.2109822811

The 38th International Congress of the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery, which is scheduled to take place on February 29 – March 2, 2024 at the Megaron Athens International Conference Center with the participation ESCRS and the Egyptian Ophthalmological Society (EOS). The Scientific Programm offers the latest scientific and technological developments in the fields of cataract, corneal and refractive surgery and also wetlabs and instructional courses.
  • Basisinformation
    29.02.2024 - 02.03.2024
    Englisch / Griechisch
    Gebühren ab
    30.00 EUR
    HSIOIRS - Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery

    HSIOIRS - Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery
    198 El. Venizelou Str. & 1 Apollodorou str.
    GR - 175 63 Palaio Faliro
    Tel.: +30.697449906 
    Tel.: +30.2109822811

    Megaron Athens International Conference Centre
    Leoforos Vasilissis Sofias and Kokkali 1
    115 21 Athen, DE
  • Programm

    Abstract submission deadline is December 20th 2023. 

    The scientific program will feature distinguished ophthalmologists from around the world, such as Damien Gatinel, Soosan Jacob, Vardhaman Kankariya and Arthur Cummings, who is also the recipient of the 2024 Fyodorov Award.

    Free papers, video presentations, e-posters, wetlabs, instructional courses and round table discussions are always the backbone of the scientific program, while this year special emphasis will be placed on the training of young ophthalmologists through the expanded program of the YES (Young Eye Surgeons) project of HSIOIRS.

    One of the highlights of the Congress always been and remains the largest exhibition of ophthalmological surgical and diagnostic machines, tools and pharmaceutical products organized in Greece.


    The detailed scientifc program has not been published yet. We will update any information asap.

  • Gebühren
    Gebühren ab
    200,00 EUR
    Ärzte/-innen in Weiterbildung
    Gebühren ab
    120,00 EUR
    medizinisches Fachpersonal
    Gebühren ab
    30,00 EUR
    Gebühren ab
    90,00 EUR
    Fees are applicable to 24% VAT upon issuance of the relevant invoice.
  • Buchung / Anmeldung

    Registration required. Please contact the organizer for further information.

  • Zertifizierung
    Zertifizierung beantragt für CME Punkte bei der European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME)
    The participants of the Conference will be provided with CME-CPD credits by the Panhellenic Medical Association.

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