
Without dextran. MedioCROSS M prevents the cornea from dehydrating. With its diffusion rate, which is twice as high as that of conventional riboflavin, it halves the induction time. After removing the epithelial layer and applying it to the surface with subsequent UV-A exposure, the cornea is activated for cross-linking.

Weitere Produktinformationen

MedioCross M

MedioCross M


Without dextran.


MedioCROSS M prevents the cornea from dehydrating. With its diffusion rate, which is twice as high as that of conventional riboflavin, it halves the induction time.
After removing the epithelial layer and applying it to the surface with subsequent UV-A exposure, the cornea is activated for cross-linking.




  • Progressive keratoconus
  • Latrogenic ectasia
  • Pellucid marginal degeneration


Technical Information: 


0.1 % Riboflavin

1.1 % HPMC


3 ml syringe

PU 6 pieces, sterile

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