
MedioCROSS H hypotonic riboflavin solution. After application of MedioCROSS D, MedioCROSS H is administered as needed to swell the cornea to a minimum corneal thickness of 400 μm before UV-A exposure. Pachymetry may be performed at 2 minute intervals until desired thickness is obtained.

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MedioCross H

MedioCross H


MedioCROSS H hypotonic riboflavin solution.


After application of MedioCROSS D, MedioCROSS H is administered as needed to swell the cornea to a minimum corneal thickness of 400 μm before UV-A exposure.
may be performed at 2 minute intervals until desired thickness is obtained.




  • Progressive keratoconus
  • Latrogenic ectasia
  • Pellucid marginal degeneration


Technical Information: 


0.1 % Riboflavin Hypotonic

1.5 ml syringe

PU 6 pieces, sterile



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